Cu M’gar district in the central Highlands province of Dak Lak is currently home to 53,000 followers belonging to four religions of Catholicism, Buddhism, Protestantism and Islam, accounting for 30% the population in the district.
For the past years, the district authorities of Cu M’gar have paid due attention to the religious affairs in the locality.
So far, the district authorities have held dialogues with key followers of religions in the locality for listening to their opinions on religious practices as well as socio-economic development in the district. The most recent dialogue held last month the participation of the party leader of the district and over 70 dignitaries and deacons of local religious organizations.
Secretary of Party committee in Cu M’gar district Nguyễn Đình Viên speaks with religious dignitaries during a dialogue
For meeting legitimate needs of Protestant practices on regular basic, the local authorities of Cuor Dang commune in Cu M’Gar district in early September this year granted the registration certificate for religious practices to the Protestant congregation in Kroa B hamlet in Cuor Dang commune of Cu M’Gar district.
The Protestant group on Kroa B hamlet currently has 600 members and used to borrow a house for holding religious meetings. The registration approved the group would create better conditions for religious practices of the congregation as well as its members.
According to a local report, followers of religions in Cu M’gar district have contributed over 1.2 billion VND to social charities for the disadvantaged in the district, built eight chartable houses for poor locals and provided thousands of working days for developing local road systems.