Prime Minister requests strengthened management of commercial activities and donation at worshipping places
The Prime Minister has issued a formal note requesting the strengthening of the management of commercial activities and donation at worshipping places in the country.
The PM asked the Culture, Sports and Tourism Ministry to collaborate with Home Affairs Ministry and concerning agencies for strengthening the management of commercial activities and money collection at worshipping places associated with festivals in the country.
The Prime Minister also requested the culture, sports & tourism ministry, the home affairs ministry and people’s committee of provinces and cities to strengthen the inspection of the construction and restoration of cultural and historical sites, and worshipping places in the locality.
The Prime Minister’s note No. 3008 VPCP-KGVX dated April 12 was an immediate response to the issue “the ambiguity between commercial constructions and worshipping places in the country” reported in Danviet.vn in February 21.
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