Preservation and promotion program on cultural heritage values approved


The Government’s decision No. 1230/QĐ-TTg approving a program to sustainably preserve and promote values of Vietnamese cultural heritages was signed on July 15.  

The objective of the program is to preserve and promote values of heritages and political, cultural, historical and traditional works of typical values, contributing to the construction and development of Vietnamese culture and people for sustainable development in the country.

Accordingly, the program would renovate at least three heritages registered by UNECO and 13 special national relic sites; 11 typical revolutionary-resistance relics during the resistance wars against France and the US and six typical archaeological relic sites; 20 national-level historical, cultural and architectural sites, and scenic and archeological spots with the degraded state.

In addition, the program would also launch plans to protect and promote values of intangible cultural heritages, documentary heritages of typical values, as well as apply information technologies in cultural heritage promotion and preservation, enhancing the quality of cultural heritage resources.