Nghinh Ong Can Gio Festival 2024 reduces organizational scale to share with people severely affected by Yagi typhoon


Nghinh Ong Can Gio Festival 2024 (Can Gio whale worshipping festival) took place from September 16-18 in Can Thanh town of Ho Chi Minh City’s Can Gio district.

Typical fishermen and groups having outstanding contribution in restoration of Ong Thuy Tuong mausoleum receive certificates of recommendation at Can Gio fishermen’s recognition ceremony 2024

Nghinh Ong Can Gio Festival annually held since 1913 features the belief of whale worshiping in order to pray for peace during sea voyages and wishes for a prosperous and happy life. The festival recognized as a national intangible cultural heritage in 2013 has become a cultural symbol of Can Gio coastal area, not only expressing people’s gratitude to nature, but also reflecting the perseverance and courage of the first generations of fishermen who transformed this land to a place worth living.

Performing procession ritual in Nghinh Ong Can Gio festival

Upon a call of the People’s Committee in Ho Chi Minh City for reducing scale of festivals and events in order to share difficulties with Northern people severely affected by Storm No.3 (Yagi typhoon), Nghinh Ong Can Gio festival 2024 has suspended festive parts including art performances, sports competitions and entertainment activities, and held only traditional rituals such as flag raising ceremony, incense offering ceremony for ancestors those have merits to the country, processions rituals on sea, and the Can Gio fishermen’s recognition ceremony.

Artists and locals joining in Can Gio fishermen’s recognition ceremony 2024 donate money to assist people affected by Yagi typhoon