Mass Mobilization Committee in Tay Ninh inspects five-year implementation of Resolution 18 on religious affairs


The Party’s Committee for Mass Mobilization in Tay Ninh province on July 12  sent two delegations to inspect five-year implementation of Resolution 18-CT/TW of the Politburo on continuing to implement Resolution No. 25-NQ/TW of the Party Committee on religious affairs in Chau Thanh district and Hoa Thanh provincial city.

The inspection delegation meets with Party board of Hoa Thanh provincial city

The inspection delegations were led by Chairman of the provincial Party’s Committee for Mass Mobilization Trương Nhật Quang and Vice Chairman of the Committee Nguyễn Văn Trung.

The delegations had working meetings with authorities of Chau Thanh district and Hoa Thanh provincial city.

During the meetings, officials of the provincial Party’s Committee for Mass Mobilization praised local authorities for well implementing the Resolution 18-CT/TW on religious affairs, contributing to ensure local religious practices conducted in line with the Charter of the religious organizations and State laws.

Meeting with Party Board of Chau Thanh district

They also asked local authorities to disseminate Party’s policies and State laws on belief and religion, including  the Law on Belief and Religion to religious followers,  strengthen the state administration on religious affairs in localities, as well as create favorable conditions for practices of religion according to the religious charters and the State laws, and mobilize local religious followers to proactively join emulation programs launched for socio-economic development in localities.