Implementing the Law on Belief and Religion, the state authorities in the Northwestern province of Dien Bien has launched many practical measures for facilitating religious practices of over 12,700 people of religions.
Regarding Christianity, thanks to coordinated and strengthened measures for registration of group activities, the number of registered Christian congregations increased more than 40% in one year.
By June, 2019, only 30% of Christian congregations in Dien Bien registered with local authorities. Later, a conference on religious affairs was held in October, 2019 to outline coordinated measures for speeding up the registration of Christian groups that had met sufficient conditions.
As a result, by June 15, 2020, 302 out of the total 412 Christian groups, accounting for 73.8%, have registered with local authorities, so the number of registered Christian congregations in Dien Bien has increased more than 40% in one year.
Muong Nhe is the district where the majority of Mong ethnic community follower Christianity. There have been 70 Christian congregations registered for group activities with local authorities for the last four years and there only 16 unregistered groups.
Head of Home Affairs Office Trần Quyết Thắng in Muong Nhe district informed that Muong Nhe is the most successful in granting registration for Christian groups, and in the registration process key members of Christian groups have all been very happy. He also shared that the district authorities has been working on with concerning communes for registering the last 16 Christian groups, and “Annually we organize meetings with dignitaries and deacons of Christian groups in order to understand their aspiration and needs”.
Head of Home Affairs Office Trần Quyết Thắng in Muong Nhe district
In addition, since the Law on Belief and Religion took effect, authorities in Dien Bien province have approved for the establishment of the provincial-level executive committee of the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha in Dien Bien, one Catholic parish and three Catholic subparishes.