Long An province holds religious youth festival 2021


The Vietnam Youth Union in Long An province in collaboration with Kim Tho pagoda held on October 8 a religious youth festival on occasion of the 65th anniversary of the Viet Nam Youth Federation (October 15)  

In order to share difficulties caused by Covid-19, the provincial Vietnam Youth Union and Kim Tho pagoda presented 100 support packages to youth, especially religious youth and disadvantaged families badly affected by the Covid-19 pandemic in Thu Thua district. Each package included 200,000 VND in cash and 10 kg of rice.


Venerable Thích An Nhựt, Abbot of Kim Tho pagoda presents support packages to religious youth

At the event, the provincial Vietnam Youth Union also presented 500 breeding frogs to religious youth with the aim to help them to develop their own businesses.

On the same day, the provincial Vietnam Youth Union also held a program with titled “Journey of faith” in Thu Thua district.

During the event, Venerable Thích Lệ Ngôn, Head of the provincial Vietnam Buddhist Sangha Board for Propagation cum Abbot of An Tho pagoda shared about social ethics, loving values, and progressive lifestyles, contributing to help youth to becoming useful people for society.