Inspection of belief & religion law implementation in Thai Nguyen province’s Dong Hy district


A delegation of the Home Affairs Department in Thai Nguyen province led by Deputy Director Nguyễn Anh Tuấn held on March 13 a meeting with Dong Hy district authorities on the implementation of the State’s policies and laws on belief and religion in the district.

Attending the meeting included Vice Chairman of the People’s Committee in the district Ngô Xuân Huy.

As reported, Dong Hy district has currently 13 religious worshipping places and 110 belief-worshipping establishments. Over the past years, religious followers in the district have conducted religious practices in the accordance with the law. The relationship between local authorities and religious worshipping establishments in the district has been increasingly strengthened in the spirit of democracy, solidarity and unity.

Addressing at the inspection meeting, Deputy Director Nguyễn Anh Tuấn asked Dong Hy district authorities to strengthen to state administration on belief and religion, better guide religious worshipping establishments in organizing religious activities according to the law and disseminating the Party and the State’s guidelines and policies on belief and religion to local residents.

Earlier, the delegation also inspected the implementation of the State’s policies and laws on belief and religion in Hoa Thuong commune of Dong Hy district.

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