Implementation of policy on prestigious people in ethnic communities in Thanh Hoa


In order to create favorable conditions for prestigious people to promote their roles and contribute to the development of the community, the Prime Minister has issued several decisions on the implementation of support policies for the prestigious people amongst ethnic minorities such as Decision No. 18/2011/QD-TTg, Decision 56/2013/QD-TTg, and Decision No. 12/2018/QD-TTg, etc.  

In the process of implementing the decisions of the Prime Minister, there have been nearly 15,500 people in the ethnic minority and mountainous areas of Thanh Hoa province recognized as prestigious people by the Chairman of the provincial People's Committee.

According to statistics, in the past 10 years, prestigious people in Thanh Hoa have organized over 2,500 meetings or exchanges on the state's policy on ethnic affairs for 200,000 Mong people in the province.

Prestigious people have also participated in solving 310 disputes and complaints between people in ethnic minority areas.

The provincial Committee for Ethnic Minority Affairs has coordinated with concerning agencies in organizing 1,480 conferences and meetings for disseminating knowledge and updating information on ethnic policies for 7,612 participants, 275 training courses on ethnic affairs for 11,715 participants, sent over 4,250,000 copies of Thanh Hoa daily newspaper to 15,000 prestigious people, etc.

In the 2011-2021 period, the local authority paid visits to nearly 14,000 prestigious people on the occasion of Lunar New Year and traditional festivals of ethnic minorities, extended medical visits to 731 prestigious people, and sent supports to 191 disadvantaged prestigious families.


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