Deputy Minister of Home Affairs Nguyễn Trọng Thừa led a delegation at a working meeting with the Government Committee for Religious Affairs (GCRA) on January 5 on results of religious affairs 2017 and proposed tasks for 2018.
Attending the meeting included Chairman of the GCRA Vũ Chiến Thắng and Vice Chairmen of the GCRA Bùi Thanh Hà, Dương Ngọc Tấn and Trần Tấn Hùng, and representatives of all GCRA’s departments and divisions.
Deputy Minister Nguyễn Trọng Thừa speaks at the meeting
As reported at the meeting, over the past year, the GCRA have organized 21 disseminating conferences on religious laws to officials and followers of religions, 10 legal workshops on practices of Protestantism, three conferences on defense and security knowledge for key followers of religions as well as sent five delegations to inspect the implementation of the state policies and laws on belief and religion, etc.
Chairman Vũ Chiến Thắng speaks at the event
In 2018, the GCRA will continue to foster professional training for officials working on religious affairs, promote the dissemination of the Law on belief and religion and the Decree on detailing and providing measures for the implementation of the Law, strengthen external relations and human rights dialogues.
During the working meeting with the GCRA, Deputy Minister Nguyễn Trọng Thừa spoke highly of results on the state administration made by the GCRA and called on the GCRA to well perform all the assigned tasks in 2018 and ensure the timely, synchronous, consistent and effective implementation of the Law on belief and religion throughout the country. He also asked the GCRA well implement the conclusion of the Politburo after reviewing the 15-year implementing Resolution No 25-NQ/TU of the 9th Party Central Committee on religious affairs and review the ten-year implementation of the Directive No. 1940/2008/CT-TTg by the Prime Minister on religion-related housing and land .
Vice Chairman Bùi Thanh Hà speaks at the meeting