Hoa Binh strengthens state management on belief and religion in new situation


Hoa Binh provincial Party’s Committee has just issued a directive on strengthening the leadership of the Party and the State's management on belief and religion in the province in the new situation.

As reported in the Directive No. 12-CT/TU, over the past year, the Party’s Committee and authorities at all levels in the province have paid due attention to the communication work on the Party's guidelines and the State's policies on belief and religion.

Therefore, belief and religious practices in the province have generally been conducted in accordance with the state’s laws and churches’ charter and regulations and the people’s right to freedom of belief and religion has been guaranteed in conformity with the state laws.

The directive also shown some limitations in the state management on belief and religion, such as the method of disseminating state laws to religious people has not been suited to practical needs, the state management on land related to religion has been still inadequate, and there have been still cases taking advantage of belief and religious activities to incite believers to sabotage the national solidarity and negatively affect social order and safety.

Therefore, the provincial Party Committee asked local authorities, the Fatherland Front committees at all levels and socio-political organizations in the province to focus on well implementing several contents for strengthening the effectiveness and efficiency of the state management on belief and religion, and strictly implement the Law on Belief and Religion and relevant provisions of law, and pay due attention to and create favorable conditions for meeting the legitimate needs of religious practices of local people.

The provincial Party Committee also asked local authorities to attach importance to improving the material and spiritual life of the people, especially in areas having large numbers of religious residents.

The provincial Party Committee also emphasized close coordination between organizations in the political system, between Party committees and authorities at all levels, especially the coordination between the state management agencies in charge of land, construction, etc. in order to promptly solve the legitimate need of belief and religious worshipping places in accordance with the state law. 

NL (baohoabinh.com.vn)