Deputy Minister of Home Affairs Vũ Chiến Thắng hosted on October 25 a reception for a delegation of the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha (VBS)’s Sub-committee for Nuns Affairs headed by Superior Nun Thích nữ Nhật Khương, Chairwoman of the sub-committee.
Joining for group photo at Home Affairs Ministry’s office
Joining the reception included Chairman of the Vietnam Government Committee for Religious Affairs (GCRA) Vũ Hoài Bắc and Vice Chairwoman of the GCRA Trần Thị Minh Nga.
At the reception, Deputy Minister Vũ Chiến Thắng praised practical contributions made by the VBS in general, the VBS’s Nun Affairs Sub-committee in particular in the cause of the country's constrution and defense.
Deputy Miniter Vũ Chiến Thắng speaks at the reception
Especially, the VBS’s Nun Affairs Sub-Committee has launched many social and charitable programs with the total value of 1,170 billion VND over the past five years, he added.
The deputy minister expressed hope that the Nun Affairs Sub-committee would continue promoting fine values of Vietnamese Buddhism, accompanying with the national development and serving as an important bridge between overseas Buddhists and the Fatherland.
At the reception
During the event, Superior Nun Thích nữ Nhật Khương took the chance to thank the Home Affairs Ministry and the GCRA for favorable conditions extended to Buddhist affairs of the VBS’s Nun Affairs Sub-Committee over the past years.
As reported, nuns currently account for more than 60% of the VBS’s monastics with an organizational structure from the central to the local levels.