Da Nang municipal authorities promulgate coordination regulation between home affairs and culture& sports departments on belief
Da Nang municipal authorities have signed on March 20 a decision approving a coordination regulation between two departments of home affairs and the culture & sports in the state administration on belief in the city.
The regulation specifies the coordination in implementation of legal documents, projects and programs relating to beliefs, professional training on state administration on beliefs, exchange information between two sides, checking violations, solving of disputes and complains relating to beliefs.
According to this regulation, the municipal authorities assign the department of home affairs to coordinate with the department of culture and sports for checking the registration of belief practices in the locality, the election of heads of the worshipping places, the restoration and new construction of belief establishments not classified as cultural heritages. The department of culture and sports shall has to closely work with the department of home affairs for checking the implementation of the state laws at belief worshipping places classified as cultural heritages.
The department of home affairs and the department of culture and sports shall also closely collaborate in checking the implementation of the civilized lifestyles in belief practices at belief and religious worshipping places.