President of Vietnam’s Baha’i Spiritual Council Nguyễn Thức has extended an official invitation to leaders of Da Nang city authorities to attend the ceremony marking 200th birthday anniversary of Baha'u'llah (1817-2017) to be held on October 20 in Da Nang city during a visiting meeting with Standing Deputy Secretary of Da Nang city Party Committee Võ Công Trí on October 11.
On behalf of city authorities, while extending best wishes to the Baha’i community on the 200th birthday anniversary of Baha'u'llah, Deputy Secratry Võ Công Trí hoped that Baha’i followers would continue promoting fine traditions for strengthen unity and socio-economic development in Da Nang city.
During the visit, President Nguyễn Thức also took the chance to thank municipal authorities for their support and favorable conditions extended to religious practices of the Baha'i faith in the city.
PH (danang.gov.vn)