Commemoration of birth anniversary of Hoa Hao Buddhism’s founder


Secretary of An Giang province’s Phu Tan district Party’ Committee Huỳnh Thành Danh paid on December 25 a visit to the Central Executive Committee of Hoa Hao Buddhism on occasion of 102nd birth anniversary of Founding Master of Hoa Hao Buddhism Huỳnh Phú Sổ (the 25th day of the 11th lunar month, 1919 - 2021).

Secretary Huỳnh Thành Danh presents floral basket to the Central Executive Committee of Hoa Hao Buddhism 

At the visiting reception, while extending best wishes to all Hoa Hao Buddhist followers, Secretary Huỳnh Thành Danh expressed hope that followers of Hoa Hao Buddhism would continue joining other religious in fostering the national solidarity block and making practical contributions for helping the poor and promoting socio-economic development of the locality.

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