Ca Mau authorities issue plan on religious training for local cadres


The People’s Committee in Ca Mau province has issued Plan No. 72/KH-UBND to implement Decision No. 43/QĐ-TTg dated on January 11, 2022 of the Prime Minister approving the 2022-2026 Program on training for local cadres tasked with religious affairs.

A training conference for local officials tasked with religious affairs in Ca Mau

The program aimed to enhance professional skills and handling practical issues relating to belief and religion for cadres and officials tasked with religious affairs, meet the requirements of the state administration on belief and religion, contributing to the successful implementation of the Party's guidelines and policies on belief and religion.

In particular, Ca Mau provincial government set the target of achieving 80% of district and commune-level officials tasked with religious affairs will attend training conferences on belief and religion from 2022 to 2026.

Participants of the training conferences include the provincial and district-level cadres of the state sector on belief and religion, cadres tasked with religious affairs from political – social organizations in the province and districts, and commune-level cadres in charge of belief and religious affairs.

During the 2022-2026 period, Ca Mau authorities shall open 10 training courses including two courses in 2022 with the participation of 300 cadres in districts and communes; two courses per year from 2023 to 2026, with the participation of 225 cadres in districts and communes, scheduled to be held in the second and third quarters of each year.

In addition, every year, officials and civil servants will participate in training courses on belief and religious affairs organized by the Ministry of Home Affairs (the Government Committee for Religious Affairs).