Belief & religion of ethnic minorities in Vietnam consistently preserved


For the past years, the Vietnam Party and State have paid due attention to the religious life of ethnic minorities across the country.  

In particular, the Party and State have outlawed religious inequality and discrimination between ethnic groups in religion, protected ethnic minority groups with small populations; developed policies on protection and promoting rights of ethnic minorities, especially child marriage and consanguineous marriage.

Vietnam is a multi-ethnic and multi-religious country. According to statistics of the Government Committee for Religious Affairs, Vietnam has currently about 2,8 million religious followers belonging to ethnic minority groups (accounting 20% the ethnic population), with 16 operative religions and 10,239  practicing places.

According to legal provisions contained in the 2013 Constitution (Article 24), the Law on Belief and Religion (taking effective from January 1, 2018), all religious dignitaries, deacons and lay followers, including those belonging to ethnic minority peoples, have the right to freedom of belief and religion.  

The Party and State guidelines and policies on belief and religion have brought positive changes in the religious life of people, including ethnic communities in Vietnam.

Religions in Vietnam live in harmony in ethnic minority communities. There is no religious conflict in Vietnam. All religions are equal before the law, no discrimination by reasons of belief or religion between those following different beliefs or religions, between those following a belief or religion and those following no belief or religion, as well as between religious followers of ethnic minority communities and those of the dominant Kinh ethnic people.

Religious organizations are permitted to establish religious training schools and open religious training courses for religious people in order to meet their needs. Many ethnic people are currently studying at religious training institutions.

Vietnam State always creates favorable conditions for religious organization to publish religious scriptures and related books. The State also ensures and creates favorable conditions for international activities of religious individuals and organizations, including ethnic religious people.

Over the past years, local authorities in remote areas consistently implement the State and Party guidelines and policies on belief and religion, respecting the right to freedom of belief and religion and the right to follow or not to follow a religion, as well as create favorable conditions for religious practices in accordance with the law.

Every year, thousands of folk and belief festivals and religious events of ethnic minority communities have been organized safely with due supports of local authorities. Traditional practices of the ancestral worship, polytheism and other folk worships of ethnic minorities have been preserved and maintained, contributing to strengthen the community cohesion, morality and social order.

Projects and programs on promoting socio-economic development of ethnic minorities and mountainous areas such as the National Target Program on New Rural Development, Sustainable Poverty Reduction Support Program, the project on socio-economic development of ethnic minorities and mountainous areas in the 2021-2030 period in accordance with Resolution No. 88/2019/QH14 dated November 18, 2019 of the National Assembly have been improving the material and spiritual life of ethnic minority communities in general and ethnic religious followers in particular.