An Giang authorities extend congratulation to Tu An Hieu Nghia Faith on founding anniversary


A delegation led by Secretary of An Giang provincial Party’s Committee Lê Hồng Quang paid on June 2 a visit to the Executive Committee of Tu An Hieu Nghia (Four Debts of Gratitude) Faith on occasion of the 155th founding anniversary of the religious sect.

Secretary Lê Hồng Quang extends congratulation to Tu An Hieu Nghia Faith’s Executive Committee

The provincial delegation was welcomed by Chairman of the Tu An Hieu Nghia faith’s executive committee Nguyễn Ngọc Trác.

During the visit, Secretary Lê Hồng Quang extended best wishes to all followers of the Tu An Hieu Nghia faith and highly appreciated practical contributions made by the Buddhist sect to socio-economic development and the Covid-19 prevention in the locality over the past years. 

Chairman Nguyễn Ngọc Trác took the chance to thank the provincial authorities for favorable conditions extended to religious practices of the faith organization over the past years.


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