"For me Uncle Ho is an image of bodhisattva with a lot of good virtues". He understood deeply and fully the thoughts and feelings of all people. He devoted all his life to happy life of humanity ... when I learn Uncle Ho, my mind is brighter, and my hearts is pure. All Vietnamese people follow his path and learn his morality so Vietnamese nation has won many glorious victories.
On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of establishment of Vietnam Buddhist Sangha (VBS), Cultural Central Committee of Viet Nam Buddhist Sangha hold a seminar and collected articles of Buddhist monks, believers, religious researchers to publish a book “President Ho Chi Minh and Buddhism”. This is a good and useful book for those who study President Ho Chi Minh’s thought, especially his thoughts on religion in general and Buddhism in particular.
The book helps us to know that one of the main causes that makes achievements of the Vietnam Buddhist Shangha is the religious policies of the Party and State toward Buddhism. The person who laid the foundation for religious policies was the President Ho Chi Minh.
Our Party and State trust Buddhism because Buddhist always goes together with nation. President Ho Chi Minh’s father was Mr.Nguyen Sinh Sac. He was a Buddhist researcher and a patriotic intellectual. Thanks to his father’s teaching, Uncle Ho was also interested in Buddhism; this was demonstrated in many historical documents, his speeches on Buddhism and his contact with Buddhist monks and believers.
The book “President Ho Chi Minh and Buddhism” consist of 31 articles about sentiment of President Ho Chi Minh toward Buddhism. Some of writers had the honor to meet Uncle Ho. The book “President Ho Chi Minh and Buddhism” helps readers to have an overview of Ho Chi Minh thought of Buddhism. After reading book, readers find Ho Chi Minh’s deep understanding of traditional religions of the nation. His views, guidelines, the actual policies, political wisdom, turned into good contents in the Constitution, in the decree .
Through the typical articles, such as: "Three times to meet Uncle Ho" by the Most Venerable Thich Don Hau, "A meeting was never forgotten" by Venerable Thich Minh Chau, "great honor" of the scholar Nguyen Dinh Chi, "The image and moral will always attract Buddhists," Tong Ho Cam, we love and respect President Ho more and more.
When reading President Ho Chi Minh and Buddhism, the readers can explain why President Ho is an example for Vietnamese people including Buddhist believers. We unite in protect and building a Vietnammese socialist country.
Reading “President Ho Chi Minh and Buddhism”, readers get the impression as Venerable Thich Minh Chau said: "for more than forty years, I always have believed and respected President Ho Chi Minh. His example helps me to serve Buddhism and Vietnammese country”.
The book is not divided in to chapters and sections as other books. This book is a collection of articles on following subjects: Ho Chi Minh’s thought on Buddhism; policies of the Party, the State and President Ho Chi Minh on Buddhism; President Ho Chi Minh and work of mass mobilization; President Ho Chi Minh’s morals, personality; recollection of President Ho Chi Minh. These articles make readers feel that they are witnesses actually. The book is a valuable, direct, specific document about Ho Chi Minh’s thought and Buddhism. This was first written by Buddhist dignitaries, monks, nuns and believers in Vietnam.
The book was published by General Publishing House in Ho Chi Minh City in September, 2011. Pleased to introduce readers. /.
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