Spending nine months tracing the expansion path of Islam, Phuong-Mai Nguyen went through 13 different Islamic countries, including Saudi Arabia, UAE, Yemen, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel, Palestine, Oman, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Tunisia, Morocco. She started from Saudi Arabia, from city by city, westward to Africa and eastward to Asia.
Phuong Mai went to the Middle East at the time when the ‘Arab Spring’ was very hot. And, in order to see and feel the countries’ life as much as it can offer, she traveled with an attitude as she described “I try to shift off every prejudices and thoughts before starting away. I want to make my head empty, without any expectation and discrimination”.
During her journey, Phuong-Mai Nguyen witnessed changes in Libya, Syria, Tunisia, Yemen, and Egypt… She also visited holy places of Judaism, Christianity and Islam – the three religions brought forth in the region.
In her book “The Path of Islam”, published in 2014, Phuong-Mai Nguyen shared with readers first-hand experience and influences of cultural, historical, modern and religious aspects in a currently volatile region of the Middle East./.
Author PhD. Phuong-Mai Nguyen
Source: nhipsongthoidai.com.vn