Publication on studies of viewpoints and policies of the Party on current religion and religious issues in Vietnam
In his work, Author Prof. Dr. Nguyen Hong Duong, former Director of Institute of Religion Studies (Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences) introduces and analyzes viewpoints and policies of the Party on religion; overview of current religious life in Vietnam as well as offering experiences in solving religious issues in Vietnam with references to some countries in the world, as well as put forward current issues and recommendations for religious affairs in Vietnam.
The book is divided into four chapters:
Chapter 1: The general theory of belief and religion.
Chapter 2: The present situation and characteristics of religions in Vietnam.
Chapter 3: Experiences of solving religious issues in Vietnam with cross -studies in some countries.
Chapter 4: Current issues and recommendations.
The 342 - pages book was published in Vietnamese by the National Political Publishing House in 2012.
DT (Thanh Long)