Understanding old Islamic group (Cham Bani) in Vietnam from Islam
In last years the situation of politics and security in the world have many complicated changes. These changes have created disability…......07/31/2013
Question and anwers of Caodaism
Caodaism is a religion. It was founded in early 20th century. The name “Cao dai” means the highest place or…......07/31/2013
Three values of Buddhism go together with nation
Buddhism has existed in the world for more than 2,500 years. It has gone together with Vietnamese nation for 2000…......07/31/2013
The worship of ancestor and ethics “when drinking water, remember its source”
1. The meanings of ancestor-worship and moral tradition “when drinking water, remember its source” of Vietnamese people.......07/31/2013
Islamism with the process of “January 25th Revolution” in Egypt
On the 25th of January, 2011, the uprising spread throughout Egypt. Due to the strong pressure from national demonstrations and…......07/31/2013
State management on restoration of religious heritages, relics and buildings
In recent years, our Party, State and governments at all level have taken care of the restoration of religious heritages, relics and building.…......07/31/2013
The first step to make a study of seals of religious organization
The seals appeared very early in the history of establishment and developing of our nation. The seal was identified…......07/30/2013
The three values of Buddhism accompany with the country
After more than 2,500 years that Buddhism exist in the world and thousands of years it has accompanied with the…......07/23/2012