The worship of ancestor and ethics “when drinking water, remember its source”


1. The meanings of ancestor-worship and moral tradition  “when drinking water, remember its source” of Vietnamese people.

All Vietnamese families both rich and poor families in urban or rural area, in mountainous  region or plain, at home and abroad have  ​​altars for worship deities and ancestors. Altar is considered as an important place in the house. For many people, setting up  altar  is not perfunctoriness. For Vietnamese people worship of deities and ancestor is both spirit and ethics so altar is always set up in the most solemn place in the house. In the process of creating culture and dignity, Vietnamese people often dignify filial piety. Any one who is appraised as dutiful son/ daughter will be appreciated very highly by others though he/ she is rich or poor. Anyone who is disrespectful to his/ her parents will be disregarded by others, though he/she is in high place. The worship of ancestor has the great significance on culture, education and spirit. Any Vietnamese family has luxurious furniture but it has not an altar or its altar is not clean, the owner will be considered as unlucky man. For Vietnamese people, altar is spiritual place, when their families have important events they usually burn incenses on altar. In wedding ceremony, the bride and groom burn incense sticks, asking for permission from the ancestors to bless them. Vietnamese people often burn incense sticks on altar when they carry out ground- breaking ceremony or they gain promotion, even they are ill. The altar is considered as the bridge between ancestor in spiritual world and their descendants. The offerings in altar are fruits such as pear, pomegranate, peach, plum, banana, orange, tangerine, apple, grapefruit, persimmon….

The offerings on the altar are not only flesh fruits but also rice, water, wine… all of them show water- rice culture, the respect of people for deities and ancestor and their hope of good crops.

The two candles (or lamps) on the altar symbolize  sun and moon. Fire and incense, flowers  show the respect of descendants for their ancestors. In Tet holiday people often put two sugarcanes beside altar. All people are solemn in front of altar. This is a cultural identity of Vietnamese people. Vietnamese people not only  worship their  ancestors but also  Hung kings. The worship of Hung kings has been recognized as intangible cultural heritage of human kind by UNESCO   on December 6th , 2012. The decision of UNESCO has said: "worship of Hung Kings has  expressed the respect for ancestors and  stimulated national pride and solidarity of community".
2. Some experiences in rites.
The Vietnamese people  practice polytheistic worship, so they worship many gods. Many families worship Buddha, Saints, ancestors, Mother Goddess, Bà cô tổ (girl die when she does not get married ), ông mãnh (boy die when he was so young). In modern society, some people worship the ancestor of  maternal family. Some families have many altars, there seems to have disorder. According to tradition there is one incense burner in the altar. Some families have three, or five incense burners on the altar.Vietnamese people only worship five generations. If there are three incense burners on the altar, the middle incense burner is used for deities, the left one is used for Bà cô tổ , the right one is used for ancestors. We should place candles or lamps on altar. We should set up incense burner in the morning of good day. People always use Lo Ban ruler to take measure of altar
On the altar often has five kinds of fruits, flowers and candles or lamps. When we express our respect, we should burn one incense stick, it is called Tâm hương. When we ask for something, we should burn three incense sticks, three is positive number. When we ask for  great things, we   should burn  5 incense sticks. The number of incense sticks we light at one time has to be odd in number. When worshipping all people should be solemn. Master of the house shows his respect for his ancestor through buying and arranging offerings on the altar.  Worship of ancestor is  to honor and learn good tradition of nation. If we worship our ancestor to satisfy our desire without studying, working hard, virtue , our worship is useless. Any one who forgets his original point is an ungrateful wretch
Nguyen Dinh Chieu a great poet, a cultural Vietnam wrote verses which are both ethics and philosophy leading Vietnamese people’s spirit
[I] would rather be blind but keep way (dao) of family
Than have eyes and not worship ancestors
                                                                                                       Dr. Nguyễn Chí Du