11th UN Day of Vesak 2014 Celebration in Vietnam: Outcomes and impressions
11th UN Day of Vesak 2014 Celebration in Vietnam: Outcomes and impressions
The UN Vesak 2014 Celebration - a well-expected auspicious Buddhist event in Vietnam took place at Bai Dinh temple complex…......


International Buddhist activities contribute to enhance Vietnam Buddhist Sangha’s image
Buddhism was brought into Vietnam from India and China from early years A.D. In its development process, Vietnam’s Buddhism has…......


Incense offering– a beauty in Vietnamese people’s belief and religion
Spring is the season of festivals and the festive atmosphere is overwhelmingly felt in villages’ culture life throughout the country.…......


A workshop on Buddhist Bhiksu Sect
A workshop on Buddhist Bhiksu Sect
On February 25, 2014, at the hall mediation of Minh Dang Quang Buddhist monastery (address: 505 Hanoi Highway, District 2,…......


Some religions in Vietnam
Some religions in Vietnam
Religion is a form of social consciousness which has developed for thousand years. During its existence and development, intentionally or…......


President Ho Chi Minh and Buddhism
President Ho Chi Minh and Buddhism
The image of Uncle Ho in my mind is that of a brilliant Bodhisattva with a lot of good virtues.…......


Vietnam guarantees citizen’s right to freedom of belief and religion
Vietnam guarantees citizen’s right to freedom of belief and religion
On June 14, 2013, the Government Committee for Religious Affairs and the European Union co-organized a seminar themed “Religions in…......


Results of Implementing the Vietnamese State’s Laws and Policies on Belief and Religion
Many significant results have been achieved during the nearly 20 years of implementing Reform and Renewal policies on religious affairs. ......
