Can the religious organization establish training schools, or upgrading courses for religious professional? Who have the authority to establish training schools, or upgrading courses for religious professionals?
Article 24 of Ordinance on belief and religion 2004 regulated:
1. A religious organization shall be entitles to establish training schools, or upgrading courses, for religious professionals
2. The establishment of training schools for religious professional shall be subject to approval by the Prime Minister.
The recruitment of trainees by a religious training school shall be conducted on the principle of disclosure, voluntariness of the candidates, and in accordance with the school’s approved rules of operation.
Vietnamese history and Vietnamese law shall be compulsory subjects in the training curriculum of religious professionals’ training schools.
3. The setting up of upgrading courses for religious professionals shall be subject to approval by the chairman of the people’s committee of the province where such a course is to be held.
4. The proceedings and procedures for establishing or dissolving a religious professionals’ training school or upgrading course shall be stipulated by the Government.
Question 2: what are proceedings to open upgrading courses for religious professionals?
Article 15 of Decree No 22/2005/NĐ-CP dated on March 1st 2005 of government on guidance for implementation of a number of Articles of the Ordinance on Belief and Religion regulated:
1. A religious organization wishing to open an upgrading course for religious professionals shall submit a written application to the Chairman of the People’s Committee of the province where the course is to be held. The application documents shall include the name and venue of the course, the needs for it, its duration, contents, curriculum, potential attendees and teachers.
Within 30 days of receipt of a due-form application, the Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee shall consider, make a decision and reply to the religious organization.
Question: According to Article 22, Decree No. 22/2005 of the Government on religion, the person wishing to lead a religious life must register with the communal People's Committee of the commune. May person here be believers of all religions: Buddhism, Catholicism, Protestantism… when the person wishing to lead a religious life must be registered with the People's Committees of the commune? I hope the Government Committee for Religious Affairs to answer. (Nam Le thanhhoangnam82@gmail.com)
Article 21 of Ordinance on belief and religion regulated:
1. A person shall lead a religious life in a religious establishment voluntary, without any coercion of obstruction. A juvenile who wishes to lead a religious life shall require agreement by his/her parents or guardian.
2. The person in charge of a religious establishment, upon admission of a person who wishes to lead a religious life shall have to register with the people’s committee of the commune where the establishment is located.
Article 22 of Decree No. 22/2005/NĐ-CP dated on March 1st 2005 of government on guidance for implementation of a number of Articles of the ordinance on belief and religion regulates:
1. Within 7 days of admission of a person wishing to lead a religious life, the person in charge of the religious establishment shall have the responsibility to submit a registration application to the People’s Committee of the commune where the religious establishment is located.
2. The registration packet shall include:
a. Name of the person wishing to lead a religious life
b. A curriculum vitae with the certification by the People’s Committee of the commune where the person has permanent residence
c. Comments in writing by parents or guardians(for adolescents wishing to lead a religious life)
Thus, according to the above regulations, the registration of person wishing to lead a religious life is the responsibility of the person in charge of religious establishment where the person wishing to lead a religious life and general provisions for all religious organizations which are operating legally in Vietnam.
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