On June 10, the Xuan Loc Diocese’s Congregation of the Lovers of Holy Cross held a solemn ceremony for making perpetual vow by its nine clergywomen at the diocese’s Cathedral church.
The event was presided over by Bishop of Xuan Loc Diocese Joseph Đinh Đức Đạo and attended by Bishop in charge of Ho Nai deanery under the diocese Francis Borgia Trần Văn Khả, priests in the diocese and sisters from the Congregation of the Lovers of Holy Cross.
The ceremony for making perpetual vow included three main rituals of receiving the covenant ring to show great trust in God, receiving the Cross to remind about God’s love, and officially recognizing as members of the Xuan Loc’s Congregation of the Lovers of Holy Cross with full rights and obligations.
Speaking at the ceremony, Superior Nun Director of the congregation Anna Nguyễn Thị Phượng urged the new votarists to fully understand the profound and positive meaning of the consecrated life which is the life path of love, dedication to God and kindness toward humanity.
Overview of ceremony
New votarists make perpetual vow.