Vinh Nghiem pagoda in Ho Chi Minh City daily offers 10,000 meals to medical force in hospitals


The Vietnam Buddhist Sangha (VBS)’s Social Charities Board in Ho Chi Minh City in collaboration with Vinh Nghiem pagoda located in the city’s District 3 has launched a program for offering 10,000 meals every day since July 14 to doctors, nurses and patients in isolation centers and field hospitals set up for Covid-19 treatment.  

A field kitchen house within Vinh Nghiem pagoda was urgently completed on July 13 for preparing charity meals.

In addition to the vegetarian meals provided by the pagoda’s kitchen, the VBS social charities board, lay Buddhists also cooked 2,000 savory meals every day in their houses for supporting to the medical force in hospitals.

Every day, 10,000 meals have been distributed to Pham Ngoc Thach hospital located in District 5, Thu Dung hospital in Binh Chanh district, Thu Dung hospital No.7 in Thu Duc city, etc.

Senior Venerable Thích Thanh Phong, Head of the VBS social charities board in the city cum abbot of Vinh Nghiem pagoda shared that the charity program is a practical response to a message of Most Venerable Thích Trí Quảng asking monks, nuns and lay Buddhists in the city to support people affected by the pandemic in the city.

bếp chùa với 10.000 suất cơm mỗi ngày chăm lo đội ngũ y tế ở các bệnh viện điều trị covid-19 ảnh 11

Buddhist monk is checking meals be distributed to hospitals