A ceremony for 808 members of Thuan Nghia parish to officially join the Central Caritas under the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Vietnam was held on November 22 at the parish’s church.
The event was presided over by Priest Director of Vinh Caritas Nguyễn Văn Vinh, priests of Vinh diocese, followers and 808 Caritas-joining members of Thuan Nghia parish.
During the event, Priest Nguyễn Văn Vinh reminded members of true meaning of Caritas “Caritas means charity, love and selfless serving…”, he said. Caritas means giving away and not claiming reward, he added.
It’s reported that Caritas of Thuan Nghia parish was established in 2013 by Superintendent Priest Nguyễn Văn Đính and the parish currently has nearly 1,200 members.
Source: conggiao.info