In recent days, Vietnamese Buddhist worshipers in several cities and provinces in the Czech Republic organized activities to celebrate the Buddha’s Birthday at Buddhist places of the Vietnamese community.
The celebration of Vesak at the Buddhist Cultural Center at Most Pagoda in Ustecky province has attracted not only Vietnamese but also local authorities and residents. This center is the first place for organization of Buddhist worship of Vietnamese in the Czech Republic recognized by local authorities.
Representatives of local authorities such as Pavel Vodsedalek, Chairman of the Provincial Council of Ethnic Minorities and Alois Maly, Member of the Municipal Council of Most city have expressed their support in the organization of cultural activities of the Vietnamese Community in general and the Vesak in particular for fostering community cohesion and helping the Czechs better understand the traditional cultural traits of the Vietnamese.
According to Lưu Danh Huyên, President of the section of the Association of Vietnamese of the city of Most, the eponymous pagoda established nine years ago and is now a high place of cultural and spiritual activities of Vietnamese in Czech Republic.
Nguyên Hải