The Social Charity Committee of the Central Vietnam Buddhist Sangha (VBS) held on January 12 a conference for reviewing its performance in 2023.
At the conference reviewing VBS’s social charity 2023
The event took place at Quang Duc monastery located in District 3 of Ho Chi Minh City.
Representative from Government Committee for Religious Affairs presents congratulatory flowers to event
According to the conference’s report, the VBS has launched social charity programs with the total value of over 2,106 billion VND in 2023 for implementing relief operations, presenting charity houses, donating bicycles and wheelchairs, building rural bridges and roads, digging wells, offering vocational training, supporting heart and eyes surgeries, and operating nursing homes and charity kitchens, etc.
At the event, the VBS’s Social Charity Committee also mapped out some key plans for 2024 with focuses on charity visits to mountainous localities in the Northern region, promoting charity medical clinics, campaigning for building social charity centers in localities, establishing charity preschools, kindergartens, classes and vocational training centers, raising orphans and disadvantaged children, and maintaining charity kitchen programs, etc.
Most Venerable Thích Thiện Pháp, Standing Deputy President of VBS’s Executive Council presents certificate of merit to Social Charity Committee