VBS in Ho Chi Minh City reviews Buddhist affairs 2021


The Vietnam Buddhist Sangha (VBS) chapter in Ho Chi Minh City held on January 16 a meeting for reviewing its affairs 2021.

Most Venerable Thích Trí Quảng speaks at the reviewing meeting

The event taing place at Viet Nam Quoc Tu pagoda saw the presence of Most Venerable Thích Trí Quảng, Acting Patriarch of the VBS cum Chairman of the VBS’s Executive Committee in Ho Chi Minh City, and Most Venerable Thích Thiện Nhơn, President of the VBS’s Central Executive Council.

As reported at the event, in 2021, the VBS chapter in Ho Chi Minh City has spent over 1,048 billion VND on social charities, donated 1.5 billion VND to the Covid-19 vaccine fund, and presented ventilators and medical supplies to support the people of India, Laos and Cambodia with the total value of nearly six billion VND.

At the annual meeting

During the event, the VBS executive committee also announced the decision of the VBS Central executive council ordaining 14 most venerables, 50 senior venerables, 32 senior nuns and 56 nuns of the VBS chapter in the city.