Cardinal Fernando Filoni, Vatican’s Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples presided a mass in the Notre Dame Cathedral in Ho Chi Minh city, in presence of more than 1,500 Catholics.
Joining the ceremony were also Archbishop Leopoldo Girelli, non-resident Special Envoy of Vatican to Vietnam; Archbishop Bùi Văn Đọc of Ho Chi Minh City Archdiocese and more than 300 bishops, priests inside and outside the archdiocese
Before the Mass, Archbishop Paul Bùi Văn Đọc briefed Cardinal Fernando Filoni about Ho Chi Minh city archdiocese. He also presented an embroidery painting the Cardinal to introduce the important role of women in Vietnam as well as missionary capacity of Vietnam sisters.
Later, Cardinal Fernando Filoni came to see Cardinal Jean Baptist Phạm Minh Mẫn, visited Saint Joseph Major Seminary and met the Seminary’s priests in Pastoral Central of Ho Chi Minh city archdiocese.