Caritas Bui Chu conducts charity visits to burn patients
Caritas Bui Chu on Oct. 10 made charity visits to burn patients in communes of Nghia Thanh and Nghia Tan…......10/16/2015

Ninh Thuan province: Cham Brahmin community celebrates Kate festival 2015
Kate festival 2015 took place on the first day of the 7th month of the Cham Calendar, which fell on…......10/15/2015

State President greets Caodai followers on founding anniversary of Caodaism
The Vietnam State President Trương Tấn Sang hosted a reception on October 13 for dignitaries and heads of Caodai Churches…......10/15/2015

Khmer people in Tra Vinh celebrate Sene Dolta festival
On October 10, about 400 Khmer people in the Mekong Delta province of Tra Vinh attended a get-together to celebrating…......10/15/2015

Solemn ceremony marks 90th anniversary of Caodaism
A solemn ceremony to mark the 90th anniversary of Caodaism was held in Hanoi on October 12 by Caodai Churches and…......10/14/2015

Nam Dinh province: Religious training for officials held
On Sept. 9, Nam Dinh provincial Committee for Religious Affairs held a religious training meeting for local officials in the…......10/13/2015

Tra Vinh provincial Military Command congratulate Sen Dolta Festival
A mission of the Tra Vinh provincial Military Command on October 8th visited the pagodas of Tra Dieu, Me Pang,…......10/13/2015

Nam Dinh province: Contest on disseminating religious law 2015 held
On Oct. 8, Nam Dinh provincial Women’s Union in collaboration with the provincial Home Affairs Department held a contest on…......10/12/2015