According to the custom of Cham people, the house has a very important role in their life. The house is the soul and the heart of each Cham individual. The house is also a place to worship the ancestors.
When the house is completed, the house-owner will prepare offerings and invite a shaman to perform worshipping rituals, as well as invite relatives to celebrate the new house together.
Cham people prepare offerings to deities at a Cham worshipping tower
Offerings often include fruits and wine for reporting the event of the new house to God Shiva.
Opening tower's door ritual
Cham people bring offerings to worship deities
Shaman performs deity worshipping rites
Later, Cham people will prepare offerings at their new house. The shaman will perform rites for making offerings of two rice trays with some coins symbolizing wishes for prosperity. Then the shaman will perform deity worshipping rites with other two trays of offerings, heading the east direction for Mother and the west direction for Father to worship and invite them into the new house.
Cham people prepare offerings at the new house
Offerings of two rice trays
Shaman performs rites turning east and west direction to worship and invite Father and Mother to the new house
PH (langvietonline.vn)