Tien Giang: Buddhist summer retreat course at Sắc Tứ Linh Thứu Pagoda holds an extracurricular activity
On June 5th, 2014, in coordination with the provincial Committee for Religious Affairs under Department of Home Affairs, the Buddhist summer retreat course 2014 (B.E 2558) organized a extracurricular program at Sắc Tứ Linh Thứu Pagoda in Chau Thanh commune, Tien Giang province, with participation of 120 Buddhist nuns.
At the extracurricular program, the nuns heard the representatives from provincial Committee for Religious Affairs introduce current religious situation in the province and the new amended contents of the Constitution 2013.
According to the Management Board, the summer retreat course this year includes two extracurricular activities for nuns to learn about the laws related to religion and State’s policies for the great all- nation unity.
Some images at the conference
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