Thua Thien Hue province: Congregation of Lovers of Holy Cross celebrates profession of monastic vow
The Congregation of Lovers of the Holy Cross under Hue Archdiocese solemnly held a monastic vow ceremony on June 15.
The event was presided over by Archbishop of Hue Archdiocese cum Vice Chairman of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Vietnam Francis Xavier Lê Văn Hồng, and attended by about 100 priests from localities.
During the event, Archbishop Francis Xavier Lê Văn Hồng conducted rituals for making the perpetual vow for the Congregation’s sixteen votarists.
On the occasion, four sisters of the congregation, who spent 25 years dedicating their whole life and made much contributions to the development of the congregation, reiterated the vow they profess 25 years ago.
During the event, Super General of the Congregation Teresa Trần Thị Tùy took the chance to express thanks to Catholic dignitaries and parents of the new votarists.
Minh Phương