The Archbishop of Hanoi diocese congratulates the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha on Buddha’s birthday
On April 30 2014, at the Office of the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha (VBS) (Quan Su pagoda) Archbishop of Hanoi diocese Pierre Nguyễn Văn Nhơn visited and congratulated the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha on the occasion of the upcoming celebration of Vesak 2014
Most Ven. Thích Thanh Nhiễu, Standing Vice President of the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha, Chairman of the UNDV 2014 welcomed the delegation
On behalf of the UNDV 2014 International Committee, Most Ven. Thích Thanh Nhiễu thanked Archbishop Pierre Nguyễn Văn Nhơn for his congratulation to Vesak celebration. He emphasized the unity for developing compassion and love, contributing to build the prosperous country. Venerable Thích Nhật Từ briefed the program of activities, preparation work and discussion themes in the UN Vesak 2014. He expressed that the UN Vesak 2014 with the main theme “Contribution of Buddhism towards Achieving the United Nations Millennium Development Goals” will actively contribute to develop social harmony, world peace, and sustainable development.
Archbishop Pierre Nguyễn Văn Nhơn presented flowers and the congratulatory message of the Pontifical Council for inter – religious dialogue for successful hosting of the UN Vesak Day 2014;
(Giác Ngộ online)