Tay Ninh provincial Vietnam Buddhist Sangha’s (VBS) Executive Board held a ceremony to commemorate the 706th anniversary of the passing away of King Trần Nhân Tông on December 22.
Attending the ceremony were Most Venerable Thích Tịnh Khai, member of the VBS’ Discernment Council, Most Venerable Thích Thông Nghiêm, Head of the provincial VBS’ Executive Committee, venerables, monks, nuns and Buddhists in the locality.
Local guests to the event included Trang Văn Hải, Chairman of the provincial Committee for Religious Affairs and local authorities’ representatives.
The ceremony reviewed merits and honor of King Trần Nhân Tông (1258-1308) who was a leader of genius and national hero. The King abdicated the throne and spent the rest of his life to practicing and spreading Buddhism. He founded the Truc Lam School of Zen and worked to unify different Vietnamese Buddhism sects into Vietnamese Zen Buddhism at the time.
Delegates attend the ceremony
Most Venerable Thích Huệ Tâm, Vice Chairman of the provincial VBS’ Executive Committee briefs about biography of King Trần Nhân Tông
Offering incense to King Trần Nhân Tông
Hoàng Kha