Tay Ninh Caodai Church in Ho Chi Minh city holds year-end meeting


The Representative Committee of the Tay Ninh Caodai Church in Ho Chi Minh city solemnly held a meeting on January 12 for reviewing its performance in 2021.

Overview of the meeting

The event taking place at the Caodai oratory in District 5 saw the presence of Bishop Head of the Caodai Representative Committee Thượng Sanh Thanh and members of the committee.

Guests at the event included Head of the Ethnic – Religious Affairs Division under the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee in Ho Chi Minh city Vũ Mạnh Hải and Vice Chairman of the municpal Committee for Religious Affairs Nguyễn Văn Lượng.

As reported at the event, in 2021, Caodai followers in the city spent over 12 billion VND on social charities for helping the poor.

Presenting certificates of merit to outstanding Caodai individuals

On occasion, the city Caodai representative committee and local authorities presented certificates of recommendation to outstanding Caodai followers  honoring their practical contributions in Covid-19 prevention work in 2021.