The congregation of Sisters of St. Paul de Chartres in My Tho diocese held a solemn ceremony on June 29 at the diocese cathedral located in My Tho City, Tien Giang province for several nuns of the congregation to make their first vow.
The mass was led by Priest General Vicar Paul Trần Kỳ Minh, and joint by the diocese priests, Superiour Nun Agnes Nguyễn Thị Tri of the provincial congregation of Sisters of St. Paul de Chartres, and large numbers of sisters and relatives of the newly professed nuns.
Superiour Nun Agnes Nguyễn Thị Tri hands over the cross to new nuns
During the solemn ceremony, 16 sisters of the congregation professed their first vow to live in poverty and chastity in one year for better serving people and communities, after completing a required period of time as novices at the congregation.
New nuns in group photo with priests and the superiour nun