Seventh-Day Adventist Church of Vietnam responds to program “Millions of solidarity gift sets to assist Southern countrymen to overcome Covid-19 pandemic”


The Seventh-Day Adventist Church of Vietnam sent on August 30 a message to its 19 chapters and 175 congregations located in 37 provinces and cities in the country calling for supports sent to disadvantaged people and faithful in Ho Chi Minh City and southern provinces severely affected by the Covid-10 pandemic.

The message was a response to the program “Millions of solidarity gift sets to assist Southern countrymen to overcome Covid-19 pandemic” launched on August 25 by the Central Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) Committee.

Accordingly, the Adventist Church asked its pastors, commissioned pastors and members to send relief supplies such as food and other necessities to people in southern provinces.

Adventist chapters and congregations in provinces imposed with the strict social distancing in accordance with Government’s Directive No 16/CT-TTg for Covid-19 prevention were also asked to coordinate with the local VFF boards to donate essential supplies to poor families in isolation areas, workers, disabled and homeless people, etc. in that localities.