Seminar on spiritual, cultural values ​


The Vietnam Institute of Development Issues (VIDS) under the Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations organized on May 24 a seminar themed “Continuing to promote spiritual cultural values: current situation, practical issues and development in the new period”.

Deputy Director Vũ Chiến Thắng speaks at event

The seminar taking place in the Convention Center in Hanoi saw the presence of Dr. Thang Văn Phúc, Former Deputy Minister of Home Affairs cum Director of the VIDS and Dr. Vũ Chiến Thắng, Deputy Minister of Home Affairs.

Speaking at the event, Deputy Minister Vũ Chiến Thắng stressed that the necessity to properly access true cultural values, limitations and development trends of the spiritual life, especially in the current period of profound international integration, aiming to help the government to promulgate appropriate policies and laws ensuring everyone's right to freedom of belief and religion in line with national interests, contributing to promote the strength of national solidarity and development.