Results of environment protection in Da Nang Catholic diocese


Over the past years, models on environment protection and climate change adaption and environmental-friendly Catholic residential areas in Da Nang diocese have   recorded many encouraging outcomes.

Recently, 24 out of 30 parishes in the diocese in Da Nang city have participated an action plans launched for cleaning up public places and practically implementing models on environment protection and climate change adaption in Catholic parishes, sub-parishes and residential areas.

Every week, especially on Saturday and Sunday mornings, parishes have organized cleaning activities at churches and residential areas. Since implementing the model "Environmental protection in community", the sanitation in residential areas have been much improved. Local households have committed to practical activities for the environmental protection in localities, including using trash bins and discharging  waste properly. 

Through communication and advocacy work, local parishioners’ awareness and responsibility towards the environmental protection has been enhanced. In the diocese, every two months, the diocese’s youth pastoral committee have organized an exchange meeting with youth from parishes on the environment protection issue. Many Catholic residential areas have launched practical activities, such as the tree plantation, road cleaning, waste collection in beaches of Xuan Thieu, Nam O, etc.