Religious organizations in Quang Binh looking forward to national Election Day


Quang Binh has two operative religions of Catholicism and Buddhism with about 120,000 followers, accounting for 12 percent of the provincial population. The province has nearly 70 religious dignitaries from Catholic parishes, deaneries and Buddhist worshipping places.  

Together with local people, religious believers in the province are looking forward to the elections of deputies to the 15th National Assembly and People’s Councils at all levels for the 2021-2026 term.

Most Venerable Thích Tánh Nhiếp, Member of the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha’s Executive Council cum Chairman of the provincial VBS chapter in Quang Binh said that although local Buddhists did not go to pagodas as usual due to the complicated situation of COvid-19 pandemic, he still encouraged local Buddhists to fulfill civic rights in the national election day through online teaching and meetings between deputies and voters in the province.

The district - level VBS executive board has also mobilized and guided local Buddhists to implement contents of the Law on election of deputies to the National Assembly and People’s Council at all levels, proactively participate in the upcoming Election Day, and ensure health safety on the election day amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

Through these activities, most of Buddhists in the province have placed their trust in the Party and the State’s guidelines and polices, and better understood meanings of the election and the rights and obligations of each citizen.

During a recent visit to Quang Binh authorities, Bishop Louis Nguyễn Anh Tuấn, Apostolic Administrator of Ha Tinh diocese informed that the diocese would arrange favorable times for local Catholics to attend the Sunday mass and go to the poll on the same day.

In local Catholic parishes, priests have proactively provided information on the national election during masses and reminded them of fulfilling the civic duty toward the upcoming the NA election.

Chairman of the provincial Committee for Religious Affairs Trần Đức Thủy exchanges with Bishop Louis Nguyễn Anh Tuấn, Apostolic Administrator of Ha Tinh diocese

Chairman of the provincial Committee for Religious Affairs Trần Đức Thủy informed that the provincial religious committee has closely worked with local religious organizations to disseminate information on the Law on election, citizens' rights and duties in the upcoming elections of deputies.

In Quang Binh province, two dignitaries of Buddhism and two deacons of Catholicism have been nominated as candidates for deputies of the provincial People’s Council. While 244 religious deacons and lay religious as candidates of the district and commune – level People’s Councils.