The Government has approved a plan to plant one billion trees nationwide by the end of 2025. The project aims to protect the ecosystem, improve the scenery, respond to climate change, boost socio-economic development, improve the quality of people’s lives and foster the sustainable growth of the country.
Accordingly, in the 2021-2025 period, the country needs to grow at least 1 billion trees, including 690 million trees to be planted in both urban and rural areas, and 310 million trees in concentrated forests.
As per the project, the target for 2021 is 182 million trees, with an average of 204.5 million trees to be planted each year in the 2022-2025 period.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in collaboration with the Ministry of Construction, the Ministry of the Natural Resources and Environment will develop and implement this project, with funding from private and integrated capital sources through national public investment programs and projects in the 2021-2025 period, ODA projects, and part of the state budget.
Responding to one-billion-tree planting program by Phi Lai Buddhist pagoda in An Giang province on March 27
Accordingly, in response to the Government’s one-billion-tree planting program, the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha (VBS)’s Executive Council has sent a dispatch to the VBS Chapters at all levels, Buddhist worshiping places, and train institutions for the implementation of the New Year Tree Planting Festival and improve forest protection and development, contributing to the construction and development of the country.
The VBS’s dispatch on responding to one-billion-tree planting program