A ceremony for the priesthood ordainment of six deacons was held by Phat Diem diocese on January 14 at its Cathedral Church.
Attending the ceremony were the Vicar General Priest and bishops, priests, clergymen and clergywomen, seminarians, and a large number of Catholic followers inside and outside the diocese.
Below are names of six new priests:
1. Joseph Đỗ Văn Dân from Nhu Son parish
2. Andrew Đào Văn Du from Tan Khan parish
3. Francis X Phạm Đức Huy from Ton Dao parish
4. Paul Vũ Văn Nam from Tan Khan parish
5. Stephen Phạm Văn Thịnh from Hao Nho parish
6. Joseph Mai Văn Thông from Phuong Thuong parish
The priesthood ordainment took place in a warm and solemn atmosphere and in a joyful presence of Phat Diem diocese’s dignitaries and followers.