Ninh Thuan province: Dignitary of Thanh Tin Bani Islamic temple promoted as religious chief
On Nov. 19, the Dignitaries Council of Bani Islamic community in Vietnam central province of Ninh Thuan held a ceremony to ordain Dignitary of Thanh Tin Bani temple La Dư as one of the community’s religious chiefs.
Attending the ceremony included Religious Chief Kiều Bình, President of Dignitaries Council, dignitaries of the Council, local authorities’ representatives and about 500 Bani Islamic followers in the locallity.
During the solemn ceremony, Imam Vice President of the Dignitaries Council Từ Công Dư handed over the Council’s conferment decision to Religious Chief La Dư congratulated him on his ordainment. Imam Từ Công Dư also expressed hope that Religious Chief La Dư and dignitaries and deacons of Thanh Tin Bani Islamic temple will further promote fine traditions of Cham Bani Islamic community in Ninh Thuan province.
Images of the ordaining ceremony:
Dignitaries, deacons and followers of Bani Islamic Community attend and celebrate at the ceremony
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