New superintendent of evangelical chapter in Ca Mau appointed


Commissioned Pastor Lê Cao Sơn  was formally appointed as Superintendent of Hai An evangelical chapter under the Evangelical Church of Vietnam (ECVN) (South) in Nguyen Huan commune, Ca Mau province’s Dam Doi district at an online ceremony held on September 19.

The online mass was chaired by Pastor Member of the ECVN’s Executive Committee in charge of pastoral affairs in Ca Mau Đỗ Việt Hùng.

The event taking place at Hai An church also saw the presence of Pastor Chairman of the ECVN’s Representative Committee in the province Đỗ Lê Hoàng BảoNhân and Pastor Member of the ECVN’s Representative Committee in the province Nguyễn Gia Bảo

During the event, Pastor Đỗ Lê Hoàng Bảo Nhân presented the superintendent appointment decision and official seal to Commissioned Pastor Lê Cao Sơn.

As reported, Commissioned Pastor Lê Cao Sơn who has graduated at 4th course of the Bible and Theology Institute, has been appointed by the ECVN (South)’s Executive Committee and approved by Ca Mau provincial authorities on April, 2021. The appointment ceremony was held online due to the complicated context of Covid-19 pandemic in the province.