Four deacons of the St. Vincent missionary congregation under the Dominican Province of Vietnam were ordained as priests at a solemn ordainment ceremony held on May 20 in Da Lat city.
The ordainment ceremony taking place at Thanh Tam church was presided by Bishop of Da Lat diocese Antony Vũ Huy Chương and joint by large numbers of priests, clergymen and clergywomen of the Congregation and relatives of the new priests.
Bishop of Da Lat diocese presides over the ordainment ceremony
During the event, Bishop Antony Vũ Huy Chương performed ordainment rituals and extended congratulations to the new priests and their relatives.
New ordained priests are Joseph Nguyễn Minh Giang from Phuoc Dien parish in Tay Ninh province’s Chau Thanh district; Dominic Savio Ngyễn Hoàng Vân Phong from Chi Lang church in An Giang province’s Tinh Bien district; Francis Xavier Nguyễn Phước Son from Giang La Pan church in Yen Bai province’s Tram Tau district and Joseph Cao Viết Tuấn from Vinh Son monastery in Ho Chi Minh city.
Posing for group photo