Priest former Head of Da Thien parish Joseph Nguyễn Văn Quý was formally appointed as Deputy Head of Dinh Trang Hoa parish in charge of Hoa Trung congregation at a ceremony held on April 15
During the ceremony, Priest Joseph Nguyễn Văn Quý expressed his dedication and devotion in his new position and took the chance to thank Da Lat diocese and local authorities for their support.
Hoa Trung congregation under Dinh Trang Hoa parish located in Lam Dong province’s Di Linh district currently has 600 parishioners.
Earlier, Coadjutor Bishop of Da Lat diocese Dominic Nguyễn Văn Mạnh presided over on April 12 a ceremony for the formal appointment of Priest Deputy Director of Da Lat Pastoral Center Lorenzo Trần Ngọc Toàn as Head of Da Thien parish.
The event saw the participation of Chairman of the provincial Committee for Religious Affairs Ngô Văn Đức, over 60 priests and about 600 Catholic followers in the parishes of Duc Giang and Da Thien.